A very important new document has just been released aimed at helping a more general audience understand the Assessment Report of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (AR5).
It’s the first in a series of documents that synthesize the most pertinent findings of AR for specific economic and business sectors. This new report AR5 adds thousands of new studies on the body of evidence on climate change. In total, 831 scientists from 85 countries have been directly involved in writing this new report! This makes it the most authoritative source of information on the risks posed by Climate Change and the possibilities to reduce those risks. It contains policy-relevant info that will be used by government and may affect businesses worldwide.
For full details go to: www.cpsl.cam.ac.uk/ipcc
This exciting latest document created by almost 900 of the Worlds leading scientists is a real call to action for everyone interested in the future of our planet.
We can all do something to help and develop dynamic new ways of living together.
A great resume which facilitate the comprehension of the Assessment Report 5! The next one will come out on the 30th of September.
The AR5, is a fantastic piece of work which will positively bring froward and accelerate the global work on tackling Climate change and adapt to it’s consequences. WE HAVE TO SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITIES to make the transition towards low carbon community based on Renewable Energy! There is a huge green economy waiting…