This week is World Water Week (from 1st to 6th September 2013) so a rather apt opportunity for us all to think about the way we use and overuse water!
According to the humanitarian charity Water Aid there is a global water crisis, as every minute, every day, people in poorer countries suffer and lives are lost needlessly, simply because of a lack of safe water and sanitation.
In stark contrast here in the UK, the vast amount of water we all use every day at home alone is simply putting an unsustainable demand on our planet’s resources, biodiversity and people, so we need to save water and recycle it where we can.
Did you know?…
The average person in the UK uses 150 litres of water a day!
World Water Week is hosted and organised by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) and takes place each year in Stockholm. The World Water Week has been the annual focal point for the globe’s water issues since 1991. Every year, over 200 collaborating organisations convene events at the World Water Week. In addition, individuals from around the globe present their findings at the scientific workshops.
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is one of their supporters and has lots of information on their website on how you can save water and on their campaign to reduce the impact of humanity’s water footprint.
There are lots of small things you can do every day to reduce your water usage that can make a huge difference for our planet – from something as simple as turning the tap off while you brush your teeth, to installing a Hippo in your cistern… Check out Waterwise’s Quick Tips and Facts on Saving Water.
Did you know?…
It takes 10,000 – 20,000 litres of water to produce just 1kg of beef! This compares with around 1,200 litres for 1kg of maize and 1800 for a kilo of wheat. See more on the RAW website.
Did you also know?…
Hydro-electric power, which comes from using water to turn a turbine, supplies around 20% of the world’s electricity and yet it is barely being used at all in the UK even though we have one of the highest wave energy potentials in Europe, if not the world!
For information on how we can use water as a renewable energy source to make hydro-electricity, here in Dorset and the UK, see our section all about Water Power.
You can also check out our Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Living pages for top tips on saving water to save energy (and maybe save on your water bills too!)
The perfect week to remind ourselves about hydraulic fracturing for shale gas. Fracking uses between 3 and 8 million gallons of water per frack, the water is so toxic with chemicals and radioactive particles it cannot be recycled and when the well leaks as all wells do eventually the water table will also be contaminated.
Find out more at
Thanks for your comment Len – very good point and great to see Frack Free Dorset has a new website, good luck with all your campaigning.