If you haven’t already been inspired by our various posts last week for Climate Week 2013 including my ‘Green Your Cuisine’ post about Meat Free Monday, and my post on ‘Low Carbon Farming’, then here’s a fab little video from the ENOUGH FOOD IF campaign at http://enoughfoodif.org.
Compassion in World Farming’s Raw campaign is one of the organisations supporting the ENOUGH FOOD IF campaign to help end the global hunger crisis (also often referred to as the ‘Meat Crisis’).
Hunger is one of the greatest scandals of our age. According to the IF campaign:
- 1 in 8 people are living with the pain of hunger
- It kills more people than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined
- Two million children die each year because of malnutrition
- Millions more children face lost potential, stunting and suffering
- Raw is a part of IF because ending factory farming goes hand in hand with ending the global hunger crisis.
I personally think it is absolutely shocking that in the 21st century so many people in poorer countries are still dying of starvation this very minute as you read this, while here in the UK we feast on more food than is even healthy or possible to sustain in a planet-friendly or humane way – and even throw a lot of it away! We have completely lost touch with nature and the importance of our food systems. Rearing animals for food is simply a terrible waste of resources. The same amount of land feeds up to 10 times as many people if you grow crops on it to feed people, rather than cutting down more of our precious rainforests to make even more room to graze animals for meat, or to grow soya to feed the animals. The added threat of mega-dairies housing thousands of cows coming here to the UK on our very doorstep is also very scary indeed.
And I’m sure I don’t need to mention the devastating effects intensive/factory farming has on draining our energy resources, contributing to climate change, and how completely unsustainable it is for the planet…
Today is Meat Free Monday so its the perfect excuse to try something new and exciting for lunch and dinner, and feel good knowing you are helping to create a more sustainable way of living to protect animals, people and our planet.
It really has never been easier to buy or cook meat-free meals and its cheaper too!
For meat-free recipes here are some of my recommended links:
- Meat Free Mondays Recipes – www.meatfreemondays.com/recipes
- 4food Vegetarian Recipes – www.channel4.com/4food/recipes/vegetarian
- Jamie Oliver Vegetarian Recipes – www.jamieoliver.com/recipes/search/?q=vegetarian
- Animal Aid Vegetarian & Vegan Recipes – www.animalaid.org.uk/h/n/CAMPAIGNS/vegetarianism/ALL/658
- Vegetarian Society Recipes – www.recipes.vegsoc.org
- Vegan Society Recipes – www.vegansociety.com/lifestyle/food/recipes
Let us know how you get on! : )