Our contacts at West Dorset Friends of the Earth have told us about a new community group called Frack Free Dorset which has been set-up to protect the Dorset environment from Fracking.
Hydraulic fracture methods (“fracking”) are associated with a range of environmental impacts, some of which are not fully characterised or understood. The process consumes huge amounts of water (estimated at anywhere between 9,000 and 29,000 cubic metres of water for a single well).
A range of hazardous chemicals are added to fracturing fluids (at least 260 chemical additives are known to be used), some of which are toxic, carcinogenic or mutagenic. These chemicals can contaminate groundwater if well bores fail, and are part of waste fluid streams returned to the surface, which can also pick up contaminants such as heavy metals, volatile hydrocarbons and naturally occurring radioactive elements from the shale itself. Well-drilling operations can also cause severe landscape degradation and noise pollution simply as a result of normal operations.
On top of all this, it appears that the greenhouse gas “footprint” of shale gas may be significantly greater than for conventional gas and has even be claimed by some to be worse than coal. Until the impacts are fully investigated, understood, addressed and regulated we call for significant more effort to be put into understanding the full impacts of fracking.
There is a meeting about Fracking on Wednesday 20th March 2013 7pm – 9pm at the Dorford Centre, Bridport Road, Dorchester DT1 1RR.
Check out the Frack Free Dorset Facebook page for more information and look out for more info here soon: http://www.facebook.com/FrackFreeDorset
Vince Adams has also started a petition to ‘Keep the UK Frack Free’: http://www.avaaz.org/en/petition/Keep_the_UK_Frack_Free/?launch
Please sign and share the online petition
See our previous posts about Fracking from our Dorset Energized blog too here: https://www.letsgetenergized.co.uk/archives/category/fracking-2
I have a clean energy system that would mean we do not need Fracking. I need your help to get my system adopted. You now have contacts with people like Vivien Westwood and others that can help me thus helping us beat Fracking and the lower the cost of energy.
James Wallace
44 7977387905