Wendy Pillar and Erik Blakeley from Energize Stur Valley, a local community group and partners of Dorset Energized, have outlined the benefits of wind power and why the controversial Silton turbines should be built, in a letter to The Blackmore Vale Magazine which was published today and highlighted as the top news item in thisisdorset.co.uk.
We recommend you read the full article here and as always, we welcome your constructive comments:
Re: Wendy and Erik’s article. How naive to make statements about wind power fulfilling our energy needs when it only works when the wind blows and it must be at the within tight strength tolerances. Conventional fossil fuel stations are needed as back-up for other times.
These are not attractive windmills but large industrial machines. They may take up a small amount of land on the surface but what about the tons of concrete below the ground needed to stabilise the tower. A half ton of CO2 per ton of concrete is generated.
These schemes are being promoted by get rich venture capitalist who are interested in tax and bill payers money from the traded ROC’s(£2billion last year)These people are not concerned with Green issues or saving the environment. As usual they are init for the money. Do not be fooled!
The appeal against the Silton wind turbine proposal has sadly been lost.
All the more reason for Dorset to focus on REDUCING ENERGY DEMAND, so that the regrettably small proportion of renewable energy we are generating will grow in comparison. More investment in energy efficiency and more investment in encouraging behavioural change are needed in order to help make a smooth transition to a low carbon economy.
The result of the enquiry is disappointing as I believe it reflects a well-organised campaign more than the majority view. On-shore wind power remains a valuable part of the solution to the pending energy crisis, although projects are better organised from within the community.
I believe all renewable energy installations have value. However, the Silton turbines were not universally accepted because the project had not grown from the local community and the very substantial financial rewards would not have been spread locally beyond the landowner.