The appeal against the decision of councillors to oppose the proposed Alaska Wind Farm in Purbeck has been allowed by the inspector, thus paving the way for the first such development in the county of Dorset.

Permission has been granted for 4 large wind turbines generating up to 9.2MW of renewable energy which the inspector stated would make a “meaningful contribution to renewable electricity in Dorset as part of a mix of resources”.

He concluded also that the “visual amenity and noise impacts are acceptable in terms of development plan policy, and there are no other matters that add materially to the case against the proposal” and “Having regard to all the matters raised, the environmental and economic benefits of granting planning permission for the development significantly outweigh the limited degree of harm that would occur. The balance weighs in favour of granting planning permission”.

You can download a copy of the Decision Letter from the DA21 website here:

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