There is much talk about Community Energy and the opportunities that will open up this way of bringing local communities together with energy creation.

The results can be startling, as an example Balcombe in Sussex. This quiet sleepy village became a conflict zone when locals and activists decided to fight test drills being made for Fracking. No one nationally really wants anything to do with fracking but Balcombe stood firm.

After days of blockade, arrests of good people and true the drillers finally went away and guess what, out of the battle came a new energy, Community Energy.

The local people formed into a group to develop their own energy schemes and almost overnight had their first project, fully funded, installed and creating clean energy and reasonable returns for the investors.

Its this sort of lead that will ultimately inspite people everywhere to create their own schemes. I Chair and we have installed our first solar project at Springhead Trust, Fontmell Magna and hope to have others up and running later this year.

Getting a fair price for the energy being created is important and I wanted to share a link with you to Ovo an innovative renewable energy supplier.


Ovo are the first Company to offer to offer the local people near a project the chance to but their own local energy at really advantageous prices far below the market norms.

The result will be that community energy can use a majority of its generation to the advantage of the local people bringing down their overall energy costs and giving them a real stake in whats happening in their own locality.

Go to the site and see what you think.