One of my heroes David Attenborough was interviewed this morning on the Andrew Marr Show and asked about his views on climate change.
His response was that if we only replace now fossil fuels with renewables we can turn back climate change.
This is so fundamental and such a small step to take so we urge you to support renewables, get involved and make things happen. Urge your MP’s, local Coucillors and Company Leaders to create serious plans to go renewable.
We know that costs will overtime plummet and our bills let alone the cost to the Planet will come down.
Wherever there are strong local communities get together and creat your own local Community Energy Schemes using the many vehicles that now exist for making this possible.
DA has just come back from meeting with President Obama who he engages with questions on climate change and his attitudes towards it.
The following is a short video trailering tonights programme, try and make the effort to watch two pretty amazing people talking together.