Proposed solar development at Mapperton Farm, near Sturminster Marshall
Good Energy, the 100% renewable electricity supplier, encourages you to have your say on its proposed solar farm in East Dorset.
As you may know, Good Energy is a 100% renewable electricity supplier dedicated to helping the UK achieve a future that’s powered purely by renewables.
In addition to our first solar farm near Wool in Dorset, we’re committed to developing further renewable electricity generation capacity to help build energy security for the UK and tackle climate change. This is where our proposed solar development at Mapperton Farm, near Sturminster Marshall, comes in.
If it gets the go-ahead, this project will generate enough renewable electricity to supply around 6,000 average homes*, making a significant contribution to Dorset’s renewable energy targets.
This site itself is in a sparsely populated area that is naturally screened from view by the surrounding landscape. It is outside any conservation areas but it will also benefit from various measures designed to increase the wildlife value of the site.
The local area will receive a range of community benefits including a locally-controlled fund of £35,000 per year to support local initiatives. You can read more about the community benefits package here.
Our proposals are due to be considered by the planning committee at East Dorset District Council within the next few weeks. Local voices like yours could make all the difference to the future of this important project, so we urge you to register your support for our planning application.
You can submit your comments by registering on the Council’s planning website here or by e-mailing JBrightman@ uk quoting the application number 3/13/0681/FUL. Alternatively you can write to the planning officer as follows:
FAO James Brightman
Planning Applications (East Dorset)
Council Offices
BH21 4HN
We would urge you to make sure that your comments are submitted by Friday 12th June to ensure that they can be taken into account in the planning officers report.
Further information about the project is available on Good Energy’s website: dorsetsolar/mapperton-farm. I f you have any questions or comments about the project, please get in touch viamappertonsolar@goodenergy.