As Climate Week draws to a close for another year this Sunday, we need to make sure we all keep taking small steps to reduce our carbon footprint and reduce our own energy demand, and to invest in renewable energy if we can…

Make sure you subscribe to our blog (from the right-hand side of this very page!) to keep up with all the latest energy news or sign up to our mailing list to ‘Keep Energized’ (from the bottom of this page!) to be the first to hear when the Dorset Energized E-Newsletter launches for even more exclusive and local offers, and energy saving tips for a more sustainable lifestyle.

And as 1 small action you can do easily right now wherever you are viewing this, add your name to the Climate Week Declaration urging the UK government to do more to prevent climate change.
Many leading people and organisations have already signed – including Lord Nick Stern, the Aldersgate Group, the TUC and the National Council for Voluntary Organisations.

Right now, the government is finalising a new law – the Energy Bill – that will decide the future of Britain’s energy supply.

The Declaration calls on the government to put environmental targets into the Energy Bill. These would help to decarbonise our energy supply and give us cleaner, greener energy.

To add your name to the Climate Week Declaration today go to: