Purbeck Film Festival, The Co-operative and PEAT present two FREE films including the Academy Award nominated film Gasland and Drying for Freedom followed by an open discussion about what shale gas and ‘fracking’ means for Dorset and the South West.

Where: Durlston Castle, Durlston Country Park, Lighthouse Road, Swanage, Dorset BH19 2JL
When: Thursday 25th October, 7pm – 9.15pm

Gasland reveals the shocking story of the environmental and health impacts of shale gas extraction in the US. When filmmaker Josh Fox is asked to lease his land for drilling, he embarks on a cross-country odyssey uncovering a trail of secrets, lies and contamination. (50 mins)

The Government has recently given ‘fracking’ the go ahead, despite earthquakes linked to the practice in Lancashire and the risk of water contamination. Now Somerset and Dorset may see the extraction of shale gas through this controversial practice. Find out more at this event!

Filmmaker Steven Lake, who is from the Isle of Purbeck and was a projectionist at the Rex criss-crosses the world to unravel the reasons and consequences for banishing clotheslines in favour of tumble dryers. Corporate America sold us an electric dream: replacing simple centuries-old outdoors line-drying with the electricity hungry dryer. Now, developing nations are starting their own love affair with an electric utopia exponentially increasing the demands on an already threatened environment (60 mins).

Tickets in advance from Durlston Castle or Swanage TIC.
Food and drink will be provided (bar available).

For more information visit: www.purbeckfilm.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=&product_id=201&category_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=83

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