The next meeting of Dorset Community Energy Group is to be held on Thursday the 17th May in Dorchester. There is a real hub of action in Dorset around community renewables with many projects such as Bridport Renewable Energy Group, Weymouth Energy Advice Centre and Transition Town Energy Groups taking the message out to their communities. This group is part of the Dorset Energy Partnership – which is responsible for the delivery of the Counties renewable energy energy efficency strategies.

Of real interest to communities is part two of the Govnernments consultation on Feed In Tariffs, which is considering whether there is justification for an uplift in the tariff for community schemes, and trying to define what a community scheme is. According to minutes of the DECC advisory group on Community Energy the Government is likely to need clearance from the EU Commission in relation to State Aid if they were to introduce a differential, but there is a strong case for such a move. This is due to the time it takes to put Community Energy projects in place, the cost to communities of financial and human capital, and the corresponding benefits of ownership, control and income.

Everyone is welcome! If you would like to attend the communty energy group or request minutes of the last meeting, contact DA21 via our website: