Dorset is a County fortunate to have many world class golf courses from which much pleasure and bio-diversity is created. As a keen golfer myself I love spending time on my local golf course  in North Dorset.

What the future holds for Golf Clubs is the opportunity to focus their attention on energy savings, use of renewables and even more concern for the environment.

Inspired by Poole based renewable energy suppliers NGPS Ltd having recently installed solar panels at The Honiton Bowling Club in Devon, I would suggest that the potential for savings costs at all the Golf Clubs in Dorset, by creating individual energy programmes and setting in place plans for conservation and creation of natural resources, is now very important. Important both for the clubs and the Dorset environment.

So what next?…

Take a look the website for The Scottish Golf Environment Group (SGEG) on and checkout what Kenmay Golf Club have done.

Why not set up small working groups within your own golf club and ask Dorset Energized for advice on how to start the process and who to ask for specific information and help.

The benefits of savings in costs and what good we can all do will soon inspire a whole generation of golfers to get involved in the renewable revolution.

See you on the Green!